Working Downtown on the 16th street mall, I have a front row seat to all the DNC has to offer. (Well, except tickets to the Thursday Obama acceptance speech; to which I did participate in the raffle for said tickets; to which I did not win any; to which I say HELLOOOOOOOOOOO I AM YOUR TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC you should be wooooing ME!; To which I digress...)
I have also recently tied my facebook account to my typepad account and to my twitter account in the slow slow process of TRYING to make some synchronizing sense of all these multiple social networking accounts... blah So let's see if it works!
DNC picture of the day:
Fire and Brimstone on the mall. Sigh, look, I hold some strong religious, spiritual and moral beliefs but this makes me CRAZY... my favorite of the day was the sign that read: "Ask me why you're going to HELL". I wish they'd realize how much farther they'd get with a little love and compassion you know the things GOD is really about. How about a sign that reads "Ask me why God loves you" Wow what a great opener duh....