I've had a very overwhelming and tramatic family situation taking place the last few weeks. It came to a head tonight. I have an imediate family member in the hospital and this has pushed me to do what I'm going to do. Tomorrow I will go in to the hospital, kiss them on the head and leave, as there is nothing I can do for them directly in the next few days (due to their immediate situation), there are however many many I can help right now. It is easier for me to take an exerpt from an email I wrote and sent this evening to a friend:
The last few days have been a whirlwind of emotion for me. This Hurricane has really had an impact on me and I don’t know “why now” I’m feeling all these emotions. I’m walking around asking anyone and everyone “do you even UNDERSTAND what has happened?” I don’t think most people (not all) get the magnitude. Besides the fact that I directly know someone who has family still to this very moment I’m typing you, who are trapped in a downtown hotel, starving, out of water, and out of medication –causing them on top of all the bacteria and rot to be (without exaggeration) dying, I also have my sister talking to me today (who lives in Houston) who is giving me first hand accounts of what is going on. So, as I’m sure you’ve heard, they are evacuating everyone into Houston; She volunteered the last two days (went and bought tons of supplies and hand carried them to the shelters – then stayed to help) and said it’s absolute unexplainable devastation for these people physically and emotionally. She said there are 10 busses at time coming in, dump trucks behind that and cherry pickers behind that, just whatever kind of transportation will haul people they are using for the 6 hour drive in. Also, there were two women who gave birth while she was there! Insane! So, I’m not going to sit here any longer, I’ve bought a ticket and with my sister, committed to 5 days of volunteer work with the refugees and will be there for a week. I leave tomorrow (Thursday) morning. I’ve NEVER done anything like this in my life; It just feels right.
I go on behalf of us all... because the timing is right for me.