Ok, I had to do it, show the whole email from the CBC guy. Seriously, does he think threatening me, TRYING to intimidate me, and using VERY BAD psychology will make me write him back??? Also, note the primo spelling and grammar skills… I am so impressed! I’m missing out on SO VERY MUCH! VARLEY quick, what would Jenny Penny say????
From: countryboyinco
To: adventuregirl71
Subject: do yourself a favor,check me out.
kinda harsh arn't you? Anyway I like a women that just cuts to the chase. But i wonder , do you practice what you preach? do you read these responces and jsut delete them ? or do you take the time to anwser and find out what the guy is all about before you click em? YOu'd definately be mising out by clicking this one. Let's talk and see what we have in common..You can write me back at [email protected] if your not a match member.I'll be waiting to see just what kind of person you are..
CBC (Anthony)